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More religious freedom in China than Afghanistan

Afghanistan Suspends Two Aid Groups

KABUL, Afghanistan — The Afghan government suspended the operations of two church-based relief groups on Monday over suspicions that they were involved in converting Afghans to Christianity, even though the evidence against them apparently consisted of nothing more than a listing in a telephone directory.

An Afghan television station, Noorin TV, broadcast photographs that it claimed showed Westerners’ baptizing Afghans, both men and women, and other Afghans’ praying to Jesus at private prayer meetings. It mentioned the two groups in the same report, although it had no evidence tying them to such activities, officials at Noorin TV confirmed.

Converting to any religion from Islam is a crime in Afghanistan, and proselytizing is also outlawed.

Oh how Republicans abhor China for their lack of religious freedom (though Christianity, proselytizing and Baptizing are not illegal) while supporting with so much blood an ideology far worse. The people of China are more free than most any of the theocracies or theocracies "in fact".

Here we are in that area of highest moral conundrums. Spilling blood to defend a political and cultural ideology we find abhorrent. (While shaking our finger at others far less repulsive).

I have found these kind of intellectual blockages are also blocked from discussion and self contemplation.

The uniformed man in a tree shoots another man in uniform through the head will he is having coffee.

Binding and dragging an unarmed person down a hallway to be killed by the government.

The spy who risks his life to steal the formula.

The freedom fighter, insurgent, patriot, militia and the terrorist.

National and religious groundings cause such matters of life and death viewed as criminal by one side and heroic by the other. Right and wrong become juxtaposed without query. We mindlessly accept these tribal truths to be self evident, for we know it’s best to not go there, it gives us brain aches.