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Morning Joe’s Mika, Joe, Willie & Mike go to work video

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Of course the ad is way over-the-top, but it leaves a hard to shake feeling in this viewer’s mind. Brzezinski is the responsible one, the other two partying and debauching until show time in the parody. In the real world, just as in the parody Mika is a den mother of sorts, ineffectually keeping ‘the boys’ in line with shocked expressions and mild protestations. And old man Barnacle sleeping on a park bench says OH SH*T!

Rather than acting as a female Allan Colmes, Mika could aid Joe Scarborough by giving him a dose of disagreement from someone who doesn’t fear his outbursts. C’mon Mika, we saw you running like a gazelle. Say something instead of just rolling your eyes! The worst he can do is try to chase you down, see? No worries!

RJ Adds: The purpose of Mornin’ Joe is for Mr. Scarborough to pick co hosts to put a reasonable, happy face on ugly Republican Politics. Which he is pretty much successful at. EXCEPT when  the issue of TORTURE comes up. Joe goes nuts, anger, spittle, table pounding all for the Christian  joy taken in torture.  IT IS THE NATURE OF THE BEAST….