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Maddow: Herman Cain’s mistress of 13 years Ginger White

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Whooee! We’re blasting through Republican front-runners at what feels like the rate of one per week! It’s a good thing that the GOP has a lot of ’em. Unfortunately they aren’t so hot at picking the serious candidates from the media star wannabes like Sarah Palin. It’s a simple formula. Run once, now be assured of high speaking fees, book sales and certainly a spot of honor on Fox News. All of the preceding are far less stressful than the office of President of the United States… And more than 10 times the pay as well.

Politics aside, I would have believed Ginger White even without the ample proof she has submitted. I ask you, why oh why – would any woman make a long term affair with Herman Cain known? (or a very short one induced by a drugged drink). He’s not George Clooney – nuff said.

There is no monetary incentive for White. Perhaps after the sexual harassment charges were revealed, some of which took place during her ‘good friendship’ with Cain, White feels as if Herman cheated on her as well? The victims in Cain’s drama are his wife Gloria Cain, and – sympathy for the devil, his attorney who must have grown wary of answering the phone long ago.