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New Environment Chairman Senator James Inhofe wrote the book on Climate Change Hoax

“God’s still up there. It is outrageous and arrogant for people to believe human beings are able to change what He is doing in the climate.” Senator James Inhofe.

James Inhofe Climate Change Hoax author

So there you have it! Why global warming is a hoax, a lie and nothing but liberal hogwash. I doubt anyone in the world has a better understanding of the relationship between the lie of evolution and the hoax of global warming. Senator Inhofe only has to quote Genesis here and there to arrive at his conclusions. Here we have the master quote he bases his studies, findings and conclusions upon.

“As long as the earth remains there will be seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night.” Genesis 8:22

Of course Senator James Inhofe is well known for being the dumbest man in the Senate, but please keep in mind that he is from Oklahoma and smarter than anyone else there. So let’s give him that at least.

Oklahoma, the home of Sooners and surry’s with fringes. Not a nanonit of blue anywhere in that state. And intellectually? Wow, it’s not only where Michelle Bachmann got her education, but where the study, finding and conclusion that has found that Jesus was 110 feet tall came from – Oral Roberts University – where Michelle Bachmann got her degree.

Looking into this finding it seems the enormous size of Jesus was for the express purpose of having 40 foot wide shoulders so there would be room for all the “good” people to ride upon in their rapture trip to Heaven while everyone else starts on fire. It is not clear how much thought the study and findings they gave to how many people can fit on 40 foot wide shoulders. But if you drive by Tulsa you may see the hand of the 110 foot Jesus reaching out of the ground. He is buried there I guess.

I lived a year in Oklahoma, it is the worst place I have ever been. I remember rocks. They have an NBA team now. I wonder if anyone on the team wants to be in Oklahoma? I wonder in the drafts if those picked by Oklahoma have thoughts of shooting themselves. Oklahoma is even worse than Dallas if you can imagine that.