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New Romney Ad. Dog lovers unite!

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It would appear that this was to be the Gingrich ad to poke at Romney’s weak spots, his ridiculous weak spots. It’s all typically silly – with the exception of an ‘airless dog kennel’- which Mitt claims was comfortable for the sick dog when strapped atop the family wagon. You may remember this was after Daddy Mitt hosed the ill dog off with a hose, to then resume a couple of thousand miles. Sick, freezing and wet – that dog was part of the family! Gosh, it was so delightful that he lived in it at home as well. For all of his corporate raiding success, ol’ Mitt isn’t a terrific liar.

There’s a rotten core to this seemingly typical ad, which cannot contain the later revelations and documentary about Bain Capital and a man whose greed exceeds imagination.