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New Rules with Bill Maher, GOP likes Red Slime, April 20 2012

The coup de grace on this issue is that in 1994, the Republican Party won a resounding victory to take the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years, primarily by presenting ROMNEYCARE and OBAMACARE in response to HILLARYCARE. But now less that 20 years later their old idea has become the worst idea that ever came to pass.  

The hatred of liberals is so intense that Republicans will now deny birth control to women, promote more fat and sugar for our children – make them spherical – and fight to the death to make our water filthier, our air dirtier, inject the land with billions of tons of crap and chemicals and give every nutjob in America access to as many guns with 40 round clips as they can fit in a shipping container. And why do they hate liberals so much? Because liberals are smarter, more educated, more optimistic and much better looking than Republicans.