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Newt Gingrich on Piers Morgan blaming Obama for Apologizing to Koran Burning

Nothing new in this. Same American arrogance that causes so much of the world to so viscerally hate us that they want to kill us. That American GIVE THE WORLD THE FINGER can-do attitude. Backed up with the most guns, weapons, missiles, bombs and H bombs than the rest of the world combined. And never afraid to use any of it on anyone. Though we have relegated the use of H bombs only to funny looking short people with funny names.

No, that is not the story here, we know that story already.  No, the story here SCREAMS to Newt Gingrich, Charles Krauthammer and most of the GOP to ask WHAT WOULD YOU do or say if an armed garrison of Iranians occupying Kansas City collected up Bibles and Torahs and burned them in front of you? There would be no time for any Iranian to apologize as tactical nukes would already be in the air.

You see, these KIND OF PEOPLE are missing that genetic material that allows the rest of humanity to at least give some effort into seeing things from another point of view. This presents itself as the basis of most religions – which the dominate American religion of the times totally rejects – DO ONTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. Or even more alien to this nitwits, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Bomb or apologize? Shoot or not shoot?  Execute or not execute? Love or Hate? Reach out to the rich or to the poor? And on and on and on it goes. They celebrate all that is cold, callous, mean, intolerant, bigoted and selfish and put it on the back of Jesus Christ. FOUL! DISGUSTING! 

The two most basic issues of Christianity; acting as Jesus would act, and treating others as you would like to be treated have become alien concepts to the dominate Evangelical Christianity in this country.