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North Carolina Voter Suppression ID card, Toles cartoon

voter id toles

voter id toles

With Republicans wallowing in their “original intent” view of the US Constitution, I wonder who they rationalize “PHOTO” identification. As Ben Franklin said, WHAT IN THE HELL IS A PHOTO?

Picture voter ID  card and reducing early voting weighs most heavy upon blacks, Hispanics, our youngest voters and the poor. And we all know it. We also all know that there are no cases of voter ID fraud at the polls. And it’s certainly not that the GOP isn’t trying to find such instances.  In fact we have videos and quotes from Republicans flat out saying they are passing these laws to reduce the vote of minorities.Some can’t help but brag and celebrate how well they are doing at it.

The Missouri Republican Base cheering the Obama clown with a broom up his but and playing NWORD lips with the GOP defending it is the newest proof in the pudding that this crap about Republicans reaching out their big tent to blacks and Hispanics is just that, crap.

Last month it was their defense of Paula Deen using the NWORD and a slavery themed wedding. Before that it was a year of their hatred of Trayvon Martin, and now believe it or not, they are not only screeching about black racism in THE BUTLER movie but that Oprah Winfrey is a racist.

I think they have finally come to terms with all this.Play a little game of outreach on the surface while behind the scenes they have decided that that to win in both 2014 and 2016 best to pander to the bigotry and racism of their base.

They understand that they do not have to change until well after 2016. They can take the Senate in 2014  just on the luck of the math.They know that while the population runs Democratic, with so many small states they can keep most of the governors and state legislatures to keep the gerrymandering going to keep the House forever. And they must win the White House in 2016 so they can keep the Supreme Court crammed with Right-wing ideologues which they know can keep them in power for a generation.

What they don’t seem to understand quite yet is in 2017 their will no longer be an NWORD in the WHOUSE to rally their base. That may be the game changer they have not yet come to terms with. Though they will have an upitty woman the will hate almost as much.  .