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Oath Keeper St Louis Police Officer Dan Page relieved of Duty

“I believe in Jesus Christ as my personal savior and I am also a killer. I have killed a lot, and if I need to I will kill a bunch more. If you don’t want to get killed don’t show up in front of me. Simple as that. I have no qualms about it, God did not raise me to be a coward. You have to man up, they are going to take your kids away from you and put them in reeducation camps. They will do it. It’s going to happen.” 42:50 St Louis police officer Dan Page speech to the Oath Keepers 2012.

Ferguson officer Dan PageVery Christian St Louis police officer Dan Page is a recently retried US Army Sgt Major in the Green Berets. He was armed and on duty on the streets of Ferguson during the protests. He had been hired a year before. This video was made before he was on the force though he made no attempt hide it or disassociate himself from it. He was removed from duty two days ago after this video was sent to the St Louis police chief by CNN anchor Don Lemon who was pushed, shoved and verbally attacked by Officer Dan Page on the streets of Ferguson.

So who are THEY who are going to steal your children in put them in reeducation camps? Dan Page has no qualms about who THEY are. The 4 sodomites on the Supreme court, the queers, the communist Muslim Kenyan in the White house, blacks, immigrants, liberals, Democrats and feminists.

My biggest complaint with the media is that they pretend these kind of people are few and far between when there are TENS MILLIONS OF THEM. Same with Ferguson, it is the same story in thousands of town across the REAL America, not just the one or so a year we hear about.

He goes on and on and on. These are just a couple of the gems from this piece of human poop as I could not watch the whole thing. Support our troops!

“I had my own airplane, I had me a Lear Jet. So I flew to Kenya and went to our undocumented President’s home. Here [points to house in jpeg]. This is not my ‘opinion’.” 25:50 St Louis Police officer Dan Page

“See this guy here [jpeg of military drinking at a table]? I like him. Who would you want to be murdered by? Somebody smiling or someone frowning? What you smiling for I asked him, he said because he liked his work. He was chief Seal for the South Korean Army, That man can kick you in the head and cut your head off and smile at you!” 27:35 St Louis Police officer Dan Page

St Louis Police officer Dan Page sure LIKES Koreans who behead people, does he feel the same about Muslims doing the same? I have an even more wonderful quote from the last generation of violent Right-wing Christians.

Morally, I don’t have any problem with that [beheadings] at all.” William Bennett our first War on Drugs czar concerning not just beheading drug dealers, but doing so in mass.  He was also President Reagan’s Secretary of Education and still has a syndicated right-wing radio talk show as a leading spokesman for Family Christian values and morals.

Which gets me thinking… Would things be different if Jesus had been beheaded rather than crucified? What would the emblem be?

Oath Keepers is a militia group made of law enforcement and military personal which was formed in 2009, a month after an African American was sworn in as President of the United States. The Oath Keepers are a very white armed militia made up of active and retired police and US military members. It is in the vein of Posse Comitatis which puts county law enforcement above both State and Federal government. It is what the guns are for.