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Obama Assassination Cartoon Earns Visit from Secret Service. Video

Obama Assassination Cartoon Earns Visit from Secret Service Video“After a series of unfortunate events, Conrad and Baldy must assassinate Obama to save America!” Gosh, it sure sounds harmless.  This is the description of an episode of “Conrad the Constitution” a radical teabag-leaning cartoon series.

Conrad’s creators are making a splash by whining to regulars of loony Alex Jones’ Infowars that their depiction of ‘Conrad’ the cowardly Constitution’s recent actions have prompted a visit by the Secret Service. It’s no wonder. By the way, Infowars’ slogan is astonishing in its truthfulness. ” Infowars Because there is a war on for your mind.”  They wage war daily, and it appears that many have surrendered.

In this episode, Conrad, having been ‘shredded’ by Obama, hops into Ron Paul’s time machine, to prevent Obama’s actions – the way John Wilkes Booth stopped Lincoln. I know! Funny stuff, hey?  Conrad’s method is even more clear, when you see him holding a gun in one hand, an eagle in the other, and the President’s brain matter splattered on his own face.

The self-important cartoon creators intoned the seriousness of government surveillance to  Alex Jone’s audience.
“I just wanted to let you guys know the Secret Service has been in contact with my family and is coming to interview me sometime soon about our latest episode. If I end up disappearing you’ll know why,”   Adan Salazar – proud Infowars writer,  dramatizes the Secret Service visits as “ the federal government’s latest attempt to intimidate filmmakers who demonstrate a lack of reverence for the state and who refuse to produce content that falls directly in line with the establishment’s agenda.”

It makes you want to form a circle and sing Kumbaya for freedom of speech, and plot against ‘the establishment,’  doesn’t it.  Oh! Fun fact:threatening the President of the United States is a felony under the U.S. Code Title 18, Section 871.
Encouraging dimwitted followers to act out their wet dreams is unconscionable.

It is also ridiculous and displays ignorance.  President Obama has disappointed flaming lefties like myself, by proposing fewer limits to guns and gun owners than any president in recent history. His recently proposed legislation in no way limits legal gun owners, and nowhere does it mention coming to grab your gun…Even though it probably should.  ; )