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Obama bashing result by Toles

I was leaning toward the Scaredy Cat graphic to express my views on the President’s cave to the GOP until I read the most recent Charles Krauthammer column claiming this was the most horrendous SWINDLE of the year, claiming it was in truth, Stimulus II! Even larger than the successful Stimulus I! OMG, stimulating the economy in the worst and longest recession in American History.  So, if the horrendously ugly and evil Krauthammer, who finds the present GOP and the Tea Party too far to the Left from him, there must be something very very good about it.  And with Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh also taking shots at the GOP over this, their can be little doubt at all this will be helpful to all Americans.

It reminds of old LBJ who for more than a decade complained to those on his Left that he had to vote against Cvil Rights to get enough votes in Texas to stay a Democratic Congressman and Senator so later when push came to shove he would be in position to the Right Thing. He ended up pushing and shoving the greatest two pieces of Civil Rights legislation in 100 years.

And of course even the likes of Pat Buchanan are saying this move insures Obama’s re-election…

So everyone, just calm down… For if you don’t this toon may very well become a reality. Yes, we are that mud dumb stupid.