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The Obamacare Apocalypse, Sargent cartoon

obamacare apocalypse

Yes indeed, War, Pestilence, Famine and Obamacare bringing on the apocalypse. Heath insurance for the uninsured. Something the rest of the civilized world demanded and accepted long ago.

Sure the GOP has taken a hit. Gallup today gives them a 24 favorable rating. Worst in History. But the poll number I tuned into was  the 31% who say President Obama is responsible for the shutdown. You see, that is different, it is not conjecture, or subjective, it is a fact that the GOP sought the shutdown, voted unanimously for the shutdown and bragged about doing so. It is the same 31% I explained some 20 years ago that gives the GOP an instant 30 point advantage in national elections.  The Jesus/racist/NRA vote.  Or as I heard today, the Sunday School wing of the GOP.