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Oklahoma Sen. Constance Johnson’s Personhood amendment: Life begins at ejaculation

‘Any action in which a man ejaculates into any vessel other than a woman is against the amended Person hood Bill.’

State Sen. Constance Johnson (D-Oklahoma City) tells host Sam Seder about the amendment she proposed to a "person hood" bill introduced by fellow state Sen. Brian Crain (R-Tulsa). Johnson’s amendment, which she has since withdrawn, stipulated that life begins at ejaculation. Johnson, who has faced eight anti-abortion bills in her time in the Senate, explained why she took action: "When we have desperate measures, we have to take desperate steps. It was humorous, but at the same time it was as serious as a heart attack."

As Monty Python’s Catholic singers maintained, "Every Sperm is Sacred!" If women are believed to be ‘aborting’ infants with birth control as some maintain, then surely men are doing the same when they divert sperm from the intended target. In Johnson’s amendment, men were subject to invasive rectal exams,and ‘unnatural’ Viagra was to be outlawed. It is hoped that Johnson’s ‘farcical’ amendment be seen as every bit as absurd as the intrusive law facing lawmakers for women, which has climbed above economic recovery in prioritization. Perhaps if Johnson reinstates the amendment, unrelated issues in Oklahoma will shoot to the fore.