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Olbermann Countdown Favs, Limbaughs challenge to msnbc

Originally called "No Letting Limbaugh Off the Hook," he climbed onto it himself, and clings with the tenacity of a barnacle..albeit a very loud one, with tender and hurt feelings. Limbaugh claims he wishes to be left alone by the "little TV
network, MSNBC," whose ratings says he, rest upon his broad mouth…er was it back?

In this whirlwind tour of Limbaugh v the Liberals,you can easily see why "Rush OrlyTaitz Limbaugh" became a favorite in 2009. He represents and foments so much of what is truly awful in this country. One doesn’t expect him to be sensitive about being quoted or made into a hopping icon…which is really rather like a large chick – like if you imagine little wings trying to get his rounded body aloft, rather than arms. The breaking point nearly came when he challenged MSNBC to stop mentioning him for 30 days. For someone who spews lies and hate daily, he’s rather sensitive about being called to account for it.

Keith Olbermann ably and quickly sums up the year in Limbaugh, which can’t be easy with so much disgusting material to draw upon. From Limbaugh’s attacks on "phony" troops who don’t agree with him, his disgusting display doubting and imitating Michael J. Fox’s Parkinson’s disease, his elite views on health care, to wishing President Obama to fail, it is easy to answer the question of why MSNBC must cover him, as there is an incident of the same caliber daily, as if these three weren’t enough. During the proposed 30 day challenge he told them to leave him alone and "stand in what
you believe!" That, dear friends is exactly why anyone of conscience reports him at all! To the strains of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Keith offers a don’t miss run-down of the very reasons they cover Rush Limbaugh on the network that the bouncing icon claims has no viewership or reach. It’s not without humor, but every word is true to my dismay. It is dismaying because he trades on hate, and influences the gullible. Limbaugh catch phrases litter the American landscape via his poison microphone, and in a time of divisiveness a bloviating radio commentator, with a chip on his shoulder, reaching for ratings has the influence to drive this country further apart.

Oh, and the bouncing icon? It’s grown, into a wall of bouncing, trance-like Limbaugh! He really is sensitive, and almost got his wish you know. Just a little warning for the migraine inclined, or those who might have imbibed some cheer which would make the vision surreal and terrifying without notice.