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Olbermann: Ghandhafi not allowed to pitch a tent in New York or Jersey

New York City may lose some hospitality points in part,thanks to The Donald. As you can plainly see from this panoramic shot of one of his homes, Trump appears to have a bit of extra space. Perhaps that is why Libyan President Moammar Ghadhafi deemed it to be the perfect bucolic place to pitch his Bedouin tent for a day or two, but nooooo. To be fair, Donald wasn’t the only one to turn the zany dictator down. Englewood,New Jersey said no as did Central Park. Ghadhafi quite sensibly is less concerned with muggers than by elevators – which accompany sky scraping hotels in New York! It seems that elevators are the direct route to the dictator’s panic button.

This is the first time the Libyan land lubber has come up against this particular problem. He’s an easy guest, doesn’t expect room service or even an ice machine. Ghadhafi is accustomed to staying in his own digs while he’s in Paris, Belgium, or Rome. Congresswoman Nita Lowey D-NY joins Countdown and speculates upon why the red carpet wasn’t rolled out for Ghadhafi, especially in the New York area.