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Olbermann Worst: All Republican Senators no aid to 9 11 Heroes, Birther Luke Scott

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Gold: Luke Scott of the Baltimore Orioles.The yellow backed, big beaked Oriole grasped the mic in his talons and couldn’t let go until Ted Nugent had screeched through ‘God Bless America’ three times, and the Birther anti-Obama creed was recited by Scott. It’s a pity that Scott will never know what a perfect counter-point his ending patriotic riff truly was – but you will.

Silver: The 41 Senate Republicans (shown here) who filibustered legislation to monitor and treat first responders and emergency workers who suffered illnesses related to 9/11. They did let Nancy Pelosi know that they would be more amenable when the tax cuts for the wealthy are assured.

Bronze: Fox News Execs Bill Sammon & Michael Clemente share the
nit-picking, spin is everything prize. If you absolutely must speak of it, there are ways to address the "so-called Public Option,"many of them.
Learn them, know them, use them!