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Olbermann Worst: Ann Coulter, Murder for yucks, Mort Kondracke, Rep. Cynthia Davis R..Mo Again! video

Gold: The Coultergeist. When Keith said she was no Dorothy Parker, he was assuming that she knows who Parker was. Undaunted, Coulter feels she is a wit and social commentator. Here we pause not only to consider the source, but the audience who apparently listens to her. It leads to the frightening conclusion that she’s cast her net wide into the realms of the not-so-bright-right, who might take her seriously! Today she ‘jokes’ about the murder of women’s health practitioner Dr. George Tiller! Watch Worst Person in the World, to see how her comment compares to a David Letterman joke, which not only didn’t advocate rape, but certainly didn’t incite murder. Coulter will never answer for her
dangerous remark, though Letterman did, and thanks to people in the far right has been demonized, had sponsorships pulled, and is aware I’m sure that it was a red herring. It’s a pity there is no one for whom Annie need answer for her
dangerous, unthinking snarks.

Silver: Mort Kondracke of weekly standard. Mort is holding a wake of sorts for the imaginary Republicans who have fallen due to extra-marital affairs, most recently in the case of the vanishing of Mark Sanford. The problem is, that despite his unsubstantiated view that the Democrats are more tolerant of that sort of thing, many have fallen from grace and public view, while Ensign, Vitter, and Gingrich are still there with the admitted score of six affairs and four divorces between them! Poor Mort selected the wrong party to pity.

Bronze: Rep. Cynthia Davis R- Mo. This makes the third day in a row for Davis on the Worst Persons list. You may have seen the more extensive comments from
Davis in her features here Weds and Thurs. Davis, who by some glitch is the Chairperson of the Child and Family Sub-Committee. It was much like nominating Dick Cheney to head the Gun Safety Movement. One of her most quoted phrases is that “Hunger is a great motivator.” How this applies to children too young to hold jobs doesn’t concern her. She has all manner of delusional reasons why it is harmful to continue to provide a breakfast and lunch for the children who really need it, even when school is not in session. One of her claims is that the free lunch program tears families away from their Ozzie and Harriet dinner tables, laden high with food and good family fun.

State House Democratic leader Paul LaVota took exception with her claim that no one had the right to criticize her, and rightly named her statements on the subject as Dickensian. LaVota further stated that she should be removed from her chair. To think, he was the first and only one to speak up!

The real kicker comes from an editorial from the Kansas City Star you will not want to miss! Fighting the urge to let the cat fully out of the bag, I can only hint at what the first hand account writer reported of Davis upon observing her at several committee and lobbyist dinners before I zip it. Let’s just say say ‘buffet table’ and ‘large purse’! I wonder if the spoils are served ’round the Davis kitchen table?