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Olbermann Worst: Glenn Beck, Geico, F Lee Ermey are seditious douchbags

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Silver: Glenn Beck: Beck’s jutting lower lip is just a sign of a pout after managing to misplace or lose two – not teeth, but major radio shows! I suspect that turn of events is what has him muttering dire and ominous predictions about his (new to me) two year plan.

Bronze: Geico Insurance and F. Lee Ermey. You can find much better rates, with better coverage from a company that doesn’t support wing nut government overthrow – I did, and I’m a lousy driver! If you think the gecko is adorable, keep in mind that Geico would let Ermey roast it over a stick to prove what a rugged survivalist ex-military dude he was.

You may remember the disgraceful firing of Geico voice Lance Baxter, well wonder no more about their motives, Geico is in far right field with Freedomworks, and firmly behind ‘newer’ spokesman F.Lee Ermey. Ermey is the big-mouthed ‘patriot’ who wants the country to rise up against our President! Way to go Geico, supplementing the seditious old jar-head’s pension really isn’t necessary.