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Olbermann Worst: Glenn Beck, Jesus and ants lead to breakdown of family

Gold: Jim Pitts, Texas State House Appropriations Committee Chairman had the Tea Party crowd cheering wildly at "Hello." However, some confused Tea Party folk roused and caught a whiff of coffee when Pitts revealed just who will be out in the street when their shared goal of cutting Medicaid is finally realized. Were they expecting exceptions for Teabrains?

Silver: Sen. John McCain is neither budging on ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’, nor is he listening to know-nothings! For his official position, wait a few beats until his spokesperson corrects his most recent statement (on any topic) and tells us what he ‘really’ meant.

Bronze: Glenn Beck takes on The Smithsonian. In a dire warning, he tells the faithful that their ‘tax dollars are funding’ a recent exhibit featuring a piece including Jesus covered in ants, perhaps at a picnic? Most impressive is Beck’s immediate segue to a chalk board filled with connections from Jesus (or ants) to the break up of the American family. We are blessed, of all who hear the voices, only Beck’s revelations are shared on the airwaves, thank you Fox News.