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Olbermann Worst: Joe Paterno, Phil Bryant Personhood, Joe Walsh screams

Sleaziest: Coach Joe Paterno of Penn State. After years of condoning and ignoring child rape and abuse by associates, Paterno graciously offered to let the Board handle more important matters before seeing to his ongoing, and to him – insignificant trifles. Shucks, he suggested he might save them more time – just retire and draw a pension. Problem solved! In a late-breaking announcement from the LA Times, we learn that Keith Olbermann’s wish has been granted. Joe Paterno has been fired, as has University president Graham Spanier.

Sleazier: Governor Phil Bryant of Mississippi has lost the ‘battle of good and evil of Biblical proportions.’ That’s right. The Personhood initiative went down in flames of hellfire – to stay with the theme. Women will not be forced to carry a rapists’ baby, and will retain the right to practice birth control! This failed initiative was brought to you by the ‘small government’ Republicans. Expect to see it rear its ugly head in other states soon however.

Screamin Sleaze: Joe Walsh of Illinois put on quite the show at a recent "Coffee With Joe" morning for his ‘friends and constituents.’ As his ‘friends’ they understand how passionate (read insane) he is about regulations, blaming Wall Street, taxing the rich and other anti- one per cent talk. For heavens sake, just don’t GO there! "It REALLY PISSES ME OFF!" he screams, pointing his finger in one face then another He was yelling at them like they owed him money or wrecked the car! Wow never suggest that the economy is in trouble for any other reason than that you didn’t use coupons. Even Cavuto wasn’t buying his smiley faced excuses…And he gets paid to be gullible!

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