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Olbermann Worst: Liar Focus on the Family Tom Minnery slapped by Al Franken

Gold: Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family. Last week’s DOMA hearing was a thing of beauty as Sen. Franken (D-MN) called out Tom Minnery for his distortion of a study, which would lead one to believe that same sex parents do not fall under Nuclear Family Specifications. It is delightful to see Franken take Minnery apart with his own publication. As it turns out, Focus on the Family has been extensively quoting falsified studies as ‘proof’ of the inadequacy and illegality of same sex parents for some time.

Silver: Bill O’Reilly – or Loofah Boy for those who recall his fealty to marriage vows, and respect for women in general. O’Reilly’s recent quote pertaining to the useless practice of providing drunken ho’s with free or low cost birth control is an O’Reilly classic.

Bronze: Don Youts prefers his sand storms to be American, dammit! This level of political correctness makes him a Haboob in my book.