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Olbermann Worst: Lowes Robert Niblock AGAIN & U of Texas Cassie Wright AGAIN

Worst: Robert Niblock of LOWES announced the real reason for dropping ads from the T.V. show "American Muslim." It was not – repeat not ‘direct pressure’ from the Florida Family Association as he has led us to believe for 16 days. Nossir, they had no direct effect on his decision. Lowe’s dropped the ads due to "negative chatter," which I presume came from the Florida Family Association – but you didn’t hear that from Niblock.

Worser: Cassie Wright
– again. President, University of Texas College Republicans and outspoken proponent of free speech for herself. Songbird Cassie, as you may remember, tweeted: ‘My president is black he snorts a lot of crack holla #2012 Obama.’ The cream rises to the top in campus politics.

Can you believe it, people reacted to this – and to many more snarky lies she has added. In her defense, poor persecuted Cassie wrote: "I respect YOUR freedom of speech, but please next time just don’t use that freedom on my personal Facebook." Is the term ‘personal Facebook’ an oxymoron?

Worse: Eldon Alexander and
Korine Van Houten
. In her mug shot, Van Houton resembles Calista Gingrich, although I presume that the pop-eyed look comes naturally, as a result of anger and surprise.

The two were caught picking up a few essentials without paying at an Ogdon,UT WinCo food store. They were cited and sent on their way, only to turn right around and flag down the security officer who had caught them. They wanted to report a crime. While they were being questioned about energy bars and batteries, craftier thieves chose their car to burgle…And made quite a haul. Instant Karma?