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Olbermann Worst: Michelle Bachman..Americorps woes, Rudy Giuiani..nut, Lou Dobbs.. vampire hunter

Gold Plated Dimbulb Award: Michelle Bachmann, R- Minn. Despite her rants calling the Americorps program a left wing, socialist mind control program for youth, Bachmann’s son Harris, had long since joined the Teach For America program without her knowledge. We can only speculate as to why he hadn’t mentioned it to mommy dearest. In another stunning moment of profound and selective blindness,
Bachmann describes an extremely lauditory article calling her son Harrison a “smart kid, a caring kid” who is raised well, a “hit piece on one of my kids.” See Worst for a glimpse into the wacky world of Michelle Bachmann, and what constitutes a ‘hit’ article on that mysterious planet.

Silver Stake for Lou Dobbs: Karen Finney, former communications director of the DNC, challenged Dobbs for his comments regarding a desire to drive a stake through Howard Dean’s heart because he is a blood sucking liberal, or was it leftist?. Watch Worst for Uncle Lou’s response, which apparently made good sense to him!

Bronze: Rudy Giuliani: Rudy’s joined the Deathers, and explains it all! One wonders how much he has been paid to strew misinformation. In Rudy’s world, it’s only natural to assume death panels will be created. Watch Worst to see
Rudy ‘splain it all.