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Olbermann Worst: Pastor Wiley Drake, Jim Thompson, Rush Limbaugh video

Golden Worst Person Award goes to Pastor Wiley Drake! When – and when not preaching at his Buena Park Southern Baptist Church in California, he spreads his basic beliefs and gives us a peek at his prayer life which diverges wildly from
most of even the most radical philosophies. Watch Worst with Keith Olbermann, to see just how it works when your preacher prays for the death of a sitting president, and admits to non-partisanship, if that’s some comfort. He’s also prayed for the death of then President Clinton, and George Bush, as well as Pastor Rick Warren! Keith raises some very thought provoking questions on Worst!

Silver – To Jim Thompson, owner and ‘moderator’ of Freerepublic.com., and his lemmings. As a moderated site, one does not expect to see what his alleged viewers wrote in response to a photo at the GA conference of President and
Mrs. Obama’s daughter wearing a T-shirt with a peace sign on it. Oh the horror! What’s truly horrible – are the alleged remarks allowed on this ‘moderated’ site. Just a little sample of comments he failed to moderate are: " To entertain
her children, Michelle likes to make monkey sounds." The same people who feigned disgust at David Letterman saw nothing wrong with calling this little girl, her sister and cousins: a "Street Whore","Ghetto street trash, dirt bags, and ghetto thugs."Some wondered when she’d be getting her first abortion. All of this from a peace sign on a T-shirt?

Thompson’s excuse came far too late, and made no apologies. He also denies a call to action by himself to contact major news media. See Keith’s Worst for details of the hypocritical and racist! Just one thought. After the Letterman dust-up, what do you think would happen if just one of these remarks were used to refer to any other public figure’s children? I’ll also bet most of those who commented would answer to terms such as "Christian, Patriotic, and Moral."

Bronze: Rush Limbaugh! Poor Booboo Bear, we’ve neglected him, as has everyone else. That means……it’s time to make a crazy announcement! Rush was able to compare George Allen bending down to call a brown skinned reporter the now
infamous term "macaca," to Sonia Sotomayor and some alleged statements he cannot quote but assures us are used more often and are much worse!
See Worst Persons in the World for more adventures in RushWorld. More on Mr Morality Rush Limbaugh.