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Olbermann Worst: Tall tales by Bachmann, Josh Burns & Fox news

WORST: Michele Bachmann. Utilizing mass hypnosis, she and her seven foot invisible friend look deeply into our collective eyes and proclaim that she is free! Yes free – of one thing she has plenty of, is it working? If so, her giant’s book "How to Serve Man" is next. (which hopefully will make sense when Keith references The Twilight Zone).
I’m not feeling any too sane myself these days.

WORSER: Fox’s Bret Baier, Gretchen Carlson & Michelle Malkin. Their method is clear at last. Their madness has been visible from the get-go. Finally the secret of lying and claiming to be telling the truth on national television. It’s so diabolically simple and trashy that it’s a wonder anyone suspects. It’s also wildly tempting, particularly in stories pertaining to a certain trio at Fox News – who tipsters say very much resemble a low grade of per-programmed rage-robots on loan from the CIA or Disney Inc. (I only said "resemble" if someone else quotes this as true, well that’s the Faux News biz )

WORSE: Rep Josh Burns R-Iowa.
Obama is spoiling this country of lazy bums. (see Fox lying technique above) Soon everyone will expect a food bank within walking distance and a hook up for cheap penicillin.