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Olbermann Worst: Texas Judge Adams child beater, Chris Christie, Rick Scott

Worst: Judge William Adams, sadist from Texas.You may recall the 7 minute video of a typical beating he gave to his (now) 23-yr-old daughter who has cerebral palsy. The video was made seven years ago. His daughter says that she only wanted her dad to get help. His lawyer claims she has sly monetary motives. Watch a few seconds of this video and it will be clear whose motives are off kilter. It’s a crying shame that Adams won’t get to ‘room’ with some of the men he’s put away. Whatever their crimes, they would soon set this child abuser on the straight and narrow.

Worser: Chris Christie: The hottie from New Jersey for whom the GOP lusted as presidential material, has demonstrated his sorcery in turning money into jobs. Given $80 million dollars to create desperately needed jobs, and he’s created none. Imagine this financial acumen on a national scale!

Worse: Gov. Rick Scott of Florida does not seem to be familiar with parts of the state which are further than, oh – maybe 20 minutes away. How could he possibly know about Tampa Bay way out yonder? To paraphrase, this was a perfect example of a time when it’s wiser to keep your mouth shut and be thought to be a space alien than to prove it.