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Olbermann Worst: Tim Thomas Bruins ass, Cat Killer. Hal Rounds Teadummy

Worst: Tim Thomas goaltender for The Boston Bruins. Thomas was invited to the White House with his team for an honorary ‘do. Not interested, he did "not make a political statement" in any of the publicized rants refusing the invitation! Really, a simple R.S.V.P. was all that was necessary.

Unspeakably worser: Arkansas Cat murderer. The apolitical and innocent Siamese belonging to Democrat Jake Burris was sadistically ‘hit’ in a politically motivated act of sick cowardice, and the hatred toward liberals that consumes so many of the finer sociopaths who’ve found a home in conservative politics.

Worse: Hal Rounds, attorney for a group of Teabaggers. In this career-making opportunity Rounds will present five priorities to lawmakers… A thrill of excitement is already palpable. Hint: The Founding Fathers should not be shown doing anything we might construe as negative to any of ‘those people.’ Yes! They had them back then too. Some were owned by the finest people of course. Others of the native variety were merely ‘intruded upon’ – if you call practicing your turkey shooting skills upon the tribes as an ‘intrusion.’