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Onion: Mitt Romney new PACO ad to win over Hispanic vote!

Romney Courts Hispanic Vote With Animated Sombrero-Wearing Parrot

Let’s see Paco’s papers please!  

All the ugly nasty news we are constantly hearing about Arizona. Pearce, Brewer, Arpio, guns in bars with no permits… And it’ now considered a swing state! Republicans are Demographically Challenged! TO SAY THE LEAST!   

Onion: Mitt Romney new PACO ad to win over Hispanic vote!

Romney Courts Hispanic Vote With Animated Sombrero-Wearing Parrot


Let’s see Paco’s papers please!

All the ugly nasty news we are constantly hearing about Arizona. Pearce, Brewer, Arpio, guns in bars with no permits… And it’ now considered a swing state! Republicans are Demographically Challenged! TO SAY THE LEAST!