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Oral sex and sodomy under review, many straight and gay enlisted suspected to be guilty

Newsflash! Before you enlist, keep this tidbit in mind; "The Uniform Code of Military Justice prohibits sodomy and oral sex, even among consenting adults and married couples." (audible gasp!) I suspect many enlisted men and women aren’t aware of this rule, or they’d discontinue their lawbreaking instantly!
To thoroughly investigate the issue from every angle, a study is in order. In this case, it’s a nine-month study on the military’s "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy, led by Pentagon General Counsel Jeh Johnson.I have many more questions for General Johnson, for instance, is there a statute of
limitations? If not, are all veterans who’ve tried to improve world peace and understanding, going back to WW2, still on the hook for a liaison here or there, or a happy homecoming with the spouse? Johnson was asked by Arkansas Democratic Rep. Vic Snyder whether that review will extend to the rules on sodomy and oral sex, Johnson answered in the affirmative. The military is big on rules, but they’re taking the old saw "Your soul belongs to God, but your ASS belongs to us" just a little far, with the oral sex and sodomy study.