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OWS shouts down union busting Scott Walkers GOP breakfast speech

When Wisconsin Governor Walker gave a speech at Chicago’s Union League Club on Nov. 3, it was obviously to be one of those lovely ‘we all agree here’ political breakfasts where never is heard a discouraging word. But Occupy Wall Street had plenty of them, and the assembled had little choice but to hear them instead of Governor Scott Walker.

Is this a rude way of getting the message across or is rude worth the price? I’m torn until I consider what Walker would do to unions and hard working people everywhere. The guests may have come away with nothing more than disgust and hatred for 99ers. They probably didn’t relate the intrusion with Walker’s policies, but maybe it’s important for them to know there are people who disagree with them, people who may not be in power – but in numbers they have the power to change things and needn’t suffer quietly the Walkers of this country.