I watched a back and forth between some Republicans for and against Trump. The question came, is having Donald Trump better than having Hillary Clinton…
So how long do we have to be nice? How about as long as Rush Limbaugh was nice about these deaths, which was all on…
We have Roger Ailes to thank for Fox News, the mother, father and child of fake news, alternate facts and very silly people on TV.…
Samantha Bee tones it down and apologizes to TBS and her advertisers: Transcript by Lisa de Moraes Much has changed in the world, since I…
What are the words I am looking for to define Mike Pence? A man who leads the fight against gay marriage, who leads the fight…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at new bombshell allegations that “President” Trump tried to obstruct the FBI investigation of former NSA head Michael Flynn.…
Donald Trump boasted last week that he created the term “prime the pump.” If Trump was deflated to learn that the term had been around…
Well said! Seems that this morning The Donald is in his upstairs safe zone bathroom unable to find his phone. LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS Do…
Democrats are not suppose to mention the “I” word YET. I agree, we first have to find something on VP Mike Pence to send him…
Don’t mess with Mickey Mouse! Don’t pirate a pirate movie! If even the retro land of North Korea can hack the entire world imagine what…
28th Amendment to the United States Constitution All men shall from this day forward be required to wear 3″ high heeled shoes for 15 days…
Turn it all off, go outside, sit, relax, smell the trees, close your eyes and put The Donald out of your mind and all shall…
Many of us,including Keith Olbermann did not wait until after Trump handed secrets to the Russians, to wonder if maybe something off-kilter has been festering…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at the White House playing damage control after bombshell reports about Trump sharing classified information with Russia and asking…
Donald Trump has given out more classified information in a half hour directly to Russians, in the oval office no less, than Hillary Clinton was…