Without Lou Dobbs and his prime time visceral hatred of Mexico and all things Mexican, the Hispanic electorate may not have shifted 12 points to…
Republicanism! Let them eat Cake! Oops… Let them eat Mexicans!
Aren’t Buicks what Black people buy? Boy they sure seem to be on a roll of late hey?
If ever there was a counter punch to FOX NEWS Bill O’Reilly, CNN’s Jack Cafferty is it.
On most any day you can tune in Rush Limbaugh to find that conservatives have finally bottomed out! Only to give him reprieve when you…
To begin this is the picture of Republican House Representative Wayne Christian who is sponsoring Texas House Bill 4224 which will codify Intelligent Design "strengths…
Again here in Houston, Texas we have Rule of Law Republicanism going over the top as it did in Dallas with just a few days…
After the debacle of a Married Couple Jailed on Wedding Night we have another case of Republicanism – The Rule of Law as an absolute.…
Nothing new there, the so called Republican Party weekly TALKING POINTS has been mostly initiated by Rush Limbaugh since the House under Newt Gingrich made…
The only way to be safe in America is for everyone to carry a loaded gun openly. This the NRA believes. Logic would dictate that…
"I was astounded to read these courageous remarks by Charlton Heston. I am thankful to hear a man with such high esteem say essentially the…