Every so often something from my morning newspaper jumps out at me and screams BOTTOM LINE! This is an example from Letters to the Editor…
I chose to do this because conservative political cartoonist Glenn McCoy is one of many in the long list of Republican liars here. There is…
What makes this seemingly stupid issue of creationism important is that most Americans DO NOT accept evolution, including teachers. Down here in Dumbutt, Texas we…
In Sunday’s Houston Chronicle two opinion pieces were printed side by side on the evolution debate. On one side came the standard well reasoned argument…
The GOP planning committee is stumped! Who is smarter, Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh? Republicans have a big tent! They can like Limbaugh, Hannity or…
Working on something else – 1970 TV – I found this old All in the Family Video of Archie Bunker’s getting a spot on TV…
Cleaning up today I found this email and my reply from a few years ago. It’s a must share. Shittiest email spam of them all…
This is the issue that should put an end to the Republican party as we know it today. Sununu is a MODERATE Republican, who lost…
I wonder if we will soon see either of these people live from Israel helping with the peace process like Joe the Plumber?
Bipartisanship Well I hope that with Republican Senator Judd Gregg giving President Obama the bird after asking him to run the Department of Commerce, that…
Last night NOVA repeated the 2 hour documentary, Judgement Day: Intelligent Design on Trial. After the second time I have watched it I became even…