I read today that Obama failed to win even one county in Oklahoma and statewide he lost to McCain 2 to 1. Also 56%…
Chistopher Hitchens is America’s foremost foul mouthed drunken dickhead. He has transcended politics to become our top disheveled independent hate monger. It has been a…
The winners over the next few years will be not only canned goods, Raman and Velveta, but Auto Mechanics, Wallmart, fast food and hockshop/gunstores.
In what seems like an indeterminable transition period until Obama takes the reigns next January 20, many Americans will be worrying about keeping their jobs,…
ACDC is what Conservatism really means. A thing that, praise the Lord, never changes. [The Family Jite has four seats on the floor December 15th]
The Republican Governors Conference down in Miami bode well of things to come for the Republican Party, if you are a Democrat that is, with…
Ya gotta love Rush’s ditto heads, all 20 million of them. Here’s Joe the Speller, who graduated suma cume laude from Okie Public with a…
When Washington Post Conservative Columnist Kathleen Parker came out against Sarah Palin last month, she was soon crying and whining about receiving 10,000 pieces of…