Wow. The newest in the very long list of Bush Administration decomplishments – the failure of the economy – is like putting turd frosting on…
Jon Stewart interviews Bill Clinton pt 1 Jon Stewart interviews Bill Clinton pt 2
Last week, the day after Hurricane Ike hit Dumbutt, Texas – I put this picture up of the boat in the road at the turn…
Had three big trees on my property, all three landed on the house. Praise the Lord! It has been more than a week now that…
Christian book stores affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention have pulled this month’s copy of Gospel Today from the shelves. A directive came down that…
Hey! Concerned about your Merrill lynch Account? Don’t worry, Sarah has a gun. Insured by AIG?Don’t worry, Sarah’s got a gun. Did your 401 just…
And lest I forget to remind yall what this election is truly ALL about. The problem is not George W. Bush, it’s the elephant he…
Here is a shot of the road out at the turn in to our sub division. By the sign I assume it is the Palin…
Seems that many of my dem friends are aghast that Johnny McSame is close or even ahead in the so-called national polls. People forget that…
The family Jite, living as it does a few blocks from Galveston Bay, had to pack up a few things and journey North to not be…
The John McCain campaign has pushed Sarah Palin so far over the top into celebrity status that their attack last month on Barack Obama being just another celebrity like…
This question first came up a few months ago when I heard Hillary’s Pants Suit Minions from the primaries were going to move over and vote for John McCain.…
"scott alan richter" That is the search string to paste into Google every so often to be first with any news of more possible Evangelical Sluttery. And no, I do…
Sarah Palin is not only a Phillys Schlafly clone but a Taliban clown. Blogs and websites have to deal with this because neither the main stream media nor any…