I can not recall screaming at the TV as loud as I did last night listening to this horrid woman Asra Nomani. The danger to…
The Liberal Redneck takes a dim view of Trump’s recent reversal of transgender student’s bathroom protections. Trae Crowder had given Trump credit for at minimum…
So there you have it, a poll that shows more Americans trust Donald Trump with the truth than they do the mainstream media. Sure it’s…
Bill Maher’s best one liners of the night: “Transgender? Trump believes that men should not be in the same room with women peeing unless they…
Donald Trump’s tie is longer that the Oscar red carpet. What is with that long tie anyway? Is it pointing at something? Does President Little…
Seth Meyers has some strong words for President Trump in light of his reversal of policies that protect transgender students in public schools. Seth’s short…
White House: Feds will step up marijuana law enforcement Now there’s a great way to bring millennials into the Republican fold! Hear! Here! Jeff Sessions…
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos stood up for Obama’s Transgender advice for schools. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the enemy of all issue regarding civil rights, disagreed…
“Examples of such sins abound, the Pope said, from money launderers to business owners who take beach vacations while stiffing their employees.” CNN report from…
In a calm, measured voice Keith Olbermann lists the many (known) reasons why Donald Trump must go. I stress ‘known reasons’ because each day…
Seth Meyers takes ‘a closer look’ at Republican members of Congress facing down angry constituents at Town Hall meetings while Trump unwinds by golfing, and…
Joel Tooley, a Melbourne Florida pastor went to Facebook to write down his narrative of attending President Trump’s political rally where he finds that our…
One month in and the fine tuned Trump machine priorities have been taking a jackboot to Muslims, Mexicans, Science, the Earth, minorities, women, the media,…
I am not sure what to think of this video from the new TVLAND show Throwing Shade. Is it pro life or pro choice? Is it…
Trump is oblivious, but the Intel community has begun to kill and eat his presidency, observes Keith Olbermann. An array of evidence shows that Trump’s…