Conan: Trump controls the drones, and is using them to watch Barack Obama play golf, but Trump’s phone calls to Obama haven’t ceased just because…
Perhaps the biggest question at the moment is why The Media cannot and will not call a lie a lie and a liar a liar.…
Indeed our Gold Buffoon is mainly focused on height size, hand size, dick size, vote size, crowd size size and of course we-we size. Not…
So what did we learn from watching the first interview from our alternate President Trump? I guess it was really just three things. The crowd…
Seth Meyers on Trump’s first national TV interview, focusing on false voter fraud claims, crowd size, and executive orders banning refugees, and building the Wall…
Cracked Comedy investigates the prolific tweeter in charge, and quickly debunks his childishly simple scams to fool followers.Three average Twitter users sit down to look…
Since our lying alternative President began his lie that there were 3 to 5 million illegal votes for Clinton much has been said about it,…
I had no idea how truly awful that tacky pre inaugural entertainment party at the Lincoln memorial was. Holyhockeylockers! With the soon to be First…
This video is worth gold just for the look the black woman interviewer gives to the black guy with the Trump hat. Much like the…
In this video we finally find out what it is that President Donald said to Melania that broke her heart on the inauguration stage. Good…
While alternate President Donald seems consumed with killing the Earth, the free press, free trade, the UN, Nato, Federal employees and of course the facts,…
The best interview here is the first description of alternate President Trump, “a shallow Creep.” It is simple plain language that hits the nail right…
Seth Meyer’s fascinating look at Trump’s paranoia about voter fraud, small crowd size and having no fun, illustrates vividly why aides worry over Trump’s freaky…
Keith Olbermann urges the media to halt Trump’s ministry of alternative facts, and outlines the simple yet effective journalistic tools necessary to save us from…
The most dangerous kick to democracy so far in this administration came yesterday with Alternate President Trump’s tweet that 3 to 5 million Hillary votes…