. Amazing how Monty Python was able to see 45 years into the future. Though they did get the name wrong. It was not Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim…
. Milo Yiannopoulos is one of the biggest winners of Smelection 2016, brought to us from his employer Breitbart.com, and his boss there Steve Bannon…
. We are about to give Donny Nukem, not just a vindictive man, but perhaps the most vindictive man who ever lived 10,000 nuclear warheads…
. Philippines Duterte: “I threw suspect from helicopter“ “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” This is…
. Back in November Pamela Ramsey Taylor, executive director of the W. Virginia Clay County Development Corp., was suspended for making this racist comment on…
. This just in from Climate Central on Global Warming and Climate change 2014 was the warmest year on record, beaten by 2015 as the warmest…
Fake News beats the real news here in Trumptopia. What is it that could cause about 35 million Americans, mostly rural, to believe that Hillary…
. The year 2016 is all but over, but it continues to be cruel, and I’m not just talking about an unbelievable election! This has…
. In the words of the man who literally wrote the book on Nixon, Rick Perlstein author of Nixonland, Trump surpasses Nixon in all the…
. Bill Maher worries too much about Russia. Bad vicious dogs do not get along for long. I hear Putin was TIME magazine’s second choice…
. Jon Stewart spins it to talk radio and how Republicans are Americans and the everyone else is the enemy. Thousands of talk radio hosts…
. “When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. She turned out to be witty and…
. We’re on the porch with America’s Liberal Redneck Trae Crowder, who has been asked to come down from the Mount with wisdom for liberals,…
, Although it’s half past Christmas, this one was too good to skip. Mark Fiore writes of his parody of the Dr.Seuss Classic, ‘The Grinch…
. Conan’s segments in which a fake Trump calls ‘Baraaaack’ (rhymes with rack) Obama to share killer jokes he’s made up, and ask a question…