. It is long overdue for The Media to start calling a lie a lie and a liar a liar. What? They are afraid of a…
. The Donald picking Breitbart’s Alt Right white nationalist Steve Bannon NOW fuels concern over Trump’s racial issues? NOW? Just since November 14th with this…
. It is just possible that the burgeoning fake news industry made chumps of Americans who elected a narcissistic boob president, while reading lurid tales…
. Seth Meyers takes a closer look at Trump’s willingness to make claims based on zero evidence, which doesn’t mix well with his shoot-from-the-hip style…
. For those who want to reach out to the Trumpsters, I wish yall the best of luck. Living in an all white Texas suburb…
. Daily Show Jordan Klepper interviews Trumpters attending the Trump Victory Tour. Here we can see how the hypocrisy, the narcissism, the humor and being…
. The first Daily Show Crapcatcher Awards go to Jake Tapper who takes it to Kellyanne Conway and George Stephanopoulos who takes it to Mike Pence.…
. Ben Carson running the show at Housing and Urban Development could be a good thing, for it is about time we got someone running…
. I picked this video of pizzagate fake news purveyor Linol Anderson out of literally hundreds on youtube videos full of the same crap because…
. Secret Service code names for President Trump Deferment Don, Donald Three wives, Uncle Scam, Curly Suer, Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue, The Great Taxini, Groper…
. Only those who rely on conspiracy-nut Alex Jones for their ‘news’ – a growing number, including President-elect Trump, will deny reports from 17 U.S.…
. Songbird and social observer Lauren Mayer reworks the rocking pop standard “Rockin’ Robin” to mirror the Tweeter-in Chief, Donald Trump, in her parody”Tweetin’ Donald.”…
. The Hunt for Hillary on National Geographic Channel, where gut feelings trump not only facts but reality as well. Reality is for liberals and…
.”Colin, you are not going to believe this but the media is questioning if Donald Trump knows what he is doing?” Michael Che on Trump…
. “I tweet because I have a bad brain” says The Donald, which pretty tells the story of this plate of mashed potatoes that will…