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Trump’s Russian Pals Hack Election, Private Citizens’s Email – video

Trump's Russian Pals Hack Election, Private Citizens's Email - video

. Only those who rely on conspiracy-nut Alex Jones for their ‘news’ –  a growing number, including President-elect Trump, will deny  reports from 17 U.S. security sources that Russians hacked into the email of the Democratic Party.  Thanks to Trump’s gracious invitation, Russian hackers have been a constant presence in the alleged presidential election. For many people,  blatant Russian intrusion got extremely personal just a short time ago. Keith Olbermann was just one of many journalists and activists from the United States who received a message in his email account, stating that the account had been hacked by “government backed attackers.” Russian activists and opposition leaders also got the same message. Keith makes a very good case that the Russians got their choice of president to run the country for them, and it’s never been so easy for them.