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Palin to keynote Nevada pro gun convention and Kumbaya rally

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Sarah Palin has hit on just the right note to show that she really is sorry for the targeting and the ‘don’t retreat, reload’ talk. She may not have expressed it well in her speech, but actions do speak louder than well-rehearsed words.

Clever Sarah Palin has signed to be the keynote speaker at a pro-gun convention in Nevada! Basking in the love and adoration of her gun loon fans, she can spread the message that violence isn’t the way. I’m fairly certain that’s what she has planned, otherwise people might get the wrong idea about cheer-leading her gun pals for a lot of loot. Then, there is the timing. Certainly Palin wouldn’t follow an incident of violence with anything other than a peaceful message, and what better audience?

It seems that some believe that she’s defended herself and is going on the attack. How silly,there would be no point in the discussion between Pat Buchanan and Radio host Bill Press. The two debate her actions and whether this will impact her plans to run for president in 2011.