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Pam Geller: Americans should eat filthy diseased turkeys

The holidays aren’t over, and thanks to right wing nutter Pam Geller we’re now aware of a plot to steal our very freedom. Butterball turkeys are marching in and bringing ‘Islamic supremism’ (sic) into your homes with them in the form of halal and kosher birds. Pam demands,"I wouldn’t eat a halal turkey would you?" Gosh no Pam! If I’m going to become a terrorist (synonymous with Muslim in Idiotville) then give me the most brutally dispatched bird possible. Like you I want every speck of feces, diseased bird, salmonella and antibiotic resistant bacteria that I paid for, you ninny.

RJ Adds:  Pam Geller is the most extreme Jewish Right-wing Neo Con in America. She was the one we heard screaming the loudest over that Muslim Center near Ground Zero last year. She supports Israel taking back Gaza, Jerusalem and loudly promotes building more settlements on contested land. All through violence.  She is a sought after speaker for the Tea Party which she fully supports. AND is second only to Orly Taitz as a supporter and promoter of the Birther movement.  For what it’s worth Taitz is also Jewish.