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Parsley, Pfleger, Hagee, Wright and no Sage Pastor Problems

First it was Rev. Jeremiah Wright, now its Rev. Michael Pfleger, a Catholic priest who both are saying Barack Obama is a black dude, which as we all know, only Republicans are allowed to say. Its a racial mess and a half, let me tell you…

On the other side we got John McCain having to throw a couple of his pastor backers under the bus. Rev. John Hagee who will say or do anything to goad Jesus into killing everyone on Earth (other than John Hagee). Because the word Christian is involved we cannot say that the man is nuttier than a peanut farm. Recently another one of these nutzoid Pentecostal preachers, Rev. Rod Parsley, claimed Muhammad and Islam are "evil" and the "anti-Christ" and McCain had to deny him also. Not sure if he did so three times though.

Boy, religion sure helps these guys hey. Just as it helps solve the problems in the Middle East.

I wonder why Hillary is immune to all this… Has she found a reasonable religion or something?