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PASS, Parent Approved Skip School day is Racism

I think I witnessed the beginning of this only two days ago in the car when I heard a caller to Glenn Beck mention it. Beck said it was the first he heard of it but would get to it later in his Fox News TV show.

Next thing you know Michelle Malkin got hold of it and with the help of Fox News it has become the Republcian Party’s September version of our so enjoyable Wingnut Town Hall August, our Birther Wingnut July and our Wingnut Tea Party Spring! I wonder if we will be ready for the coming Timothy McVeigh Wingnut Fall? 

On September 8th President Obama is scheduled to give a short live feed speech to public school children on the importance of education, that it’s up to them to study hard and go out and get good jobs and do good things. As the content is just s standard conservative bootstrap speech, there must be something else in play here. So why would all these mostly Southern parents want to keep their children out of school because of…. Hmmm…. Didn’t these same kind of parents keep their children out of school for this same kind of thing 50 years ago?  

Down here in Dumbutt the schools are falling in line with these so called "parents". Principles, superintendents, teachers and school boards are honoring the PASS with some districts now refusing to air the speech while others say they will tape it and decide if they will show it later, by request only. So far are there are no school officials down here with balls enough to tell the truth about this.

These so called "parents" do not want their children forced to listen to an uppity Negro. Nothing these so called "parents" hate more than uppity Negroes, let me tell you. Their civil war ancesters dint like em, grandma dint like em, their daddy dint like em, they don’t like em and they will be pushed in possum poop if the are going to allow their children to like em… It’s not racism, its Southern Culture!  Which recently has turned into Republican culture it seems.  

We all now what this is about, Glenn Beck knows, Michelle Malkin knows, Fox News knows, the White House knows, these parents know, the media knows it, all our politicians know, Texas teachers, school boards, principles and superintendents know and so do YOU. Hell even my cat here WHO HAD BETTER NOT STEP ON THIS KEYBOARD ONE MORE TIME TODAY knows it.

But because these so called "parents" buy so many Twinkies, Tacos and Trucks and vote straight Republican tickets every Fall, all is quiet on the Southern Front.

Oops… Conservative Correctness says we can no longer imply racists are racists. After all these Republicans like Clarence Thomas and Michael Steele which means they can’t be racists!

Just like Simon Legree wasn’t a racist because he thought Uncle Tom was okay!