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Perino claims Republicans always FOR unemployment benefits

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Gosh! We’ve really misunderstood the Republicans. Former Bush Press Secretary Dana Perino took this opportunity on ‘Fox and Friends’ to castigate Democrats in general and Joe Biden in particular for impugning Republican motives – harrumph! Why, the kindly Republicans were always pulling for the unemployed Americans!

Perino momentarily forgot about the miracle of video sound bites while she was painting the Republicans with a fair and equitable brush – now that they have what they want.

See the small sampler parade of cranky Republicans yammering about lazy good-for-nothing Americans, who won’t get out of their Lay-Z-Boy recliners unless they’re starving. Someone’s lying, and feels that Americans are not only lazy, have very short memories, or perhaps have had to pawn their televisions, and can’t refute this nonsense. Yes, I was tempted to use the word "refudiate." I won’t, I won’t, I won’t, and that one didn’t count!