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Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte 465 murdered by police in his first month

Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte 465 murdered by police in his first month

Rodrigo Duterte became president of the Philippines running as an outsider law and order candidate and won, in his first month 465 suspected drug dealers have been summarily executed by police and vigilantes, does his election and character remind you of anyone? Now apply that not to just African Americans, Mexicans, or Muslims but to world diplomacy.
Just a few quotes from Rodrigo Duterte.
“I’ve always been angry, even as mayor. It’s a war, not a crisis, why should these people live?”
“If you don’t want to die and get hurt, don’t pin your hopes on priests and human rights (groups). They can’t stop death,”
And in response to questioning his support of the murder of 465 suspected drug dealers shot down on the streets:
“Double your efforts. Triple them, if need be. We will not stop until the last drug lord, the last financier, and the last pusher have surrendered or put behind bars — or below the ground.”
“Casual drug users should be shot… Dealers should be beheaded… I have no moral problem with beheadings…” Republican Secretary of Education William Bennett
“If you sell them (drugs), we will kill you.” Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
“The first time we execute 27 or 30 or 35 drug smugglers at one time, they will get the message.” Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
Donald Trump has advocated torture, killing innocent Muslim family members, bombing the crap out of them and just the other day in his first security briefing asked why we don’t use nuclear weapons [anymore].
As we saw last night with the raucous, cheering, foot stomping reception for Donald Trump in Jacksonville, Florida we see the real problem with this election and this country. The fear, anger and hate leading as it always does, to dictators and fascists.
You want to know what problem is here in the United States, first remind yourself of all the horrid things Donald Trump has said, then add to that all the really stupid things he has blurted out and of course his average of seven lies a day for 400 days in a row.
Okay, now pop your eyes back up to the Duterte quotes above. Those in Jacksonville and around the country who love Donald Trump love that crap, they applaud it, it is as Michelle Obama mistakenly confused things, the anger, the hate, the bigotry and the guns ARE their high road.