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Planned Parenthood ‘Scandal’ Falls Apart, Film Admittedly A Fake

Planned Parenthood 'Scandal' Falls Apart, Film Admittedly A Fake, Stillborn Baby Used, Not Aborted Fetus

Everyone put down your signs and return to your respective corners until you hear the bell again,  the Planned Parenthood “scandal” is falling apart, after the filmmakers revealed that the body in question was that of a stillborn baby…Not that of an aborted fetus.

The film certainly stirred up a great number of people who will probably never know that the propaganda film is full of outright lies. In a particularly shocking scene, a 19-week-old baby is said to have been aborted by the brutal and greedy crew at Planned Parenthood! Imagine the shock felt by the baby’s parents when they learned that the body of their son, a premature baby, had been presented in the film as an aborted fetus in a Planned Parenthood facility.

The use of the baby’s photo is enough to deem the  film to be a hoax, but another discovered glitch makes the whole thing null and void.The glitch is Holly O’Donnell, who was key to the film. She had the inside scoop on the used baby parts biz…Or so she said. She said a lot of things, which simply aren’t true.
Don’t you just hate it when your secret weapon turns out to be an attention-starved, fabrication- spinning,  ninny?