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Political Pumpkins, The Zany, the Evil and the Crazy, Priggee cartoon

halloween political pumkins

That pretty much sums up American politics.  But like old girlfriends, I did best with the zany over the evil and crazy.  How about you?

Charles Krauthammer has replaced George Will as America’s most respected intellectual and beloved conservative commentator. He is now all over the media with his new book.

What he brings to the table in his appearances is that we are at a crossroads of no compromise. We must make a choice to either go the way of the failure and horror of the European socialist welfare state or come to our senses and accept a meld of old conservative values (religion and racism) with the new young guns of evangelical libertarianism (rugged gun individualism) and reject the entitlement society once and for all. One or the other, no inbetween. This of course makes Charles a moderate and respected Republican.

What I found most fun in his discussions is how well he sings the tune of that unique Rush Limbaugh sarcasm. That HOHOHO Conservative Republicans are thought to be mean and nasty HAHAHA and could care less about the sick and the poor BWAHAHA. The reality of course is that Republicans have never or will ever care about anyone at all other than themselves, least of all the sick and the poor. As Freedomworks CEO and Tea Party king Matt Kibbe has said so well, “Why should I have to pay anything for anyone I don’t know?”

And there you have the very essence or their argument, their policies and their worldview. The sarcasm falls flat.

I have noticed one thing Krauthammer and I have in common, we both see the problem as being about biology and genetics. It is the nature of the Beast.