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Impeach Obama, it begins

impeach obamaThere have been Tea Party Ugly calls for impeaching the President since the day he took office. Oops, wait, the Tea Party was not invented until a month after he took office. I wonder what took them so long? 

It is 6am Tuesday morning October 29, 2013.  Reporter Lisa Myers came on MSNBC Morning Joe with her story that about 4% of Americans will have to upgrade their insurance plans under Obamacare. Insurance companies are saying that minimal catastrophic plans of about $50 a month must be upgraded. Those with these plans will have to pay more to get much more.

Joe Scarborough told us that “the President over and over and over and over and and over over again did not tell the American people the truth when he said ‘If you like your insurance you can keep it.'”  The President told this lie in the State of the Union Address. The president told this lie repeatedly over and over again. And over and over and over and over again Mr Scarborough went with his over and over and overs.

It was not so much that Joe Scarborough got on a laughing jag about what a pathological lying sack of sht the president is, but it was when MSNBC did a heads only pan of all 8 people at the table – conservatives, liberals and moderates – also laughing at the president for so many lies.

So now it has legs. Lying to the congress and the American people from the Well. I expect impeachment proceeding in the House against President Obama to begin next week.