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President Obama tells Americans to go F*** Themselves! Onion

In The Know Panel Analyzes Obama’s Furious, Profanity-Filled Rant At Nation

We are waiting patently for some Republican from some State legislature to submit a law that President’s cannot tell Americans to get F*****. 

Olbermann Worst: Rep. John Fleming Abortionplex ALERT

The question of our time is… Do stupid people gravitate to religion or does religion make people stupid? It’s a tough call I know…

In my new religion, Cannibals for Christ, we only want to eat people on holidays, and eat them only a little, just arms and legs and of course some butt which is the best part.

This is a moral issue for us as we do not eat the whole person and abstain on days that are not holidays. So please Mr Obama, get your face out of our freedom of religion. And pass the peyote with that slow roasted elbow.